Applications of EO4SD-Forest Management Products

EO4SD-Forest Management addressed globally critical forestry challenges and demonstrated the value and benefits of using Earth Observation (EO). Click on the images below to learn more about the specific application. You can also learn more about the specific EO products that are used in a number of these applications. For further information and examples you can reach out to forestry|at|

National Forest Management System (NFMS), Drivers of Deforestation & Degradation
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Sustainable Forest Management
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Coastal Ecosystems and Mangroves
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Forest Landscape Restoration/Forest Restoration
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Protected Areas
Support for improving management (zoning) and monitoring of Protected Areas; reducing D&D, biodiversity...
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Community Based Forest Monitoring/Management
As an overlap with SFM, REDD+ and Protected Areas (can include restoration). Includes also Ecotourism.
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